urban permie: learn and live
How can we create true wellness and abundance while living in our concrete jungles? For the past four years Urban Permie has been facilitating in person workshops with schools, non-profit organizations and the general public. Our workshops are created to make natural living a way of life for those of us who have few chances to engage in and be a part of the best that nature has to offer.
Workshops offered:
Kitchen & Garden Remedies
Creative and Simple Ways to Build Community
Tonics & Syrups for Winter Health
Preserving Produce and Herbs the easy way
House Plants for a Healthy Home
Plant Propagation
DIY Natural Cleaners
Healing Teas from Herbs & Spices in your Cupboard
Urban Herb Garden
Practical Permaculture for City Living
Seed Starting
Indoor Edible Gardening
Nature at Play
Work Shops are offered for:
Coorporate team building
Coorporate events
Wellness Centers
Non-profit organizations